24 Jan 2010


Another weekend... where I had planned to work and I didn't... aiiie
Another weekend of partying, drinking and dancing... and it feels so good!! even if sometimes becomes boring...
but this weekend there was a new activity! Body Attack! Jumping and running during one hour! wow perfect to forget everything else... my mind just went blank and I felt naturally happy :)

This is going to be a year to remember...I hope! I'm going to do many things for the first time and also go to places I've never been to... looking forward :)

11 Jan 2010


Hello everyone! Welcome to 2010!
yes, welcome, because it's me who's in charge ah ah ah Make your wishes!!

They say we should start the new year by analyzing the past year in depth... I didn't do that, I stayed on the surface... I believe I've done enough introspection throughout the year, no need to revive those memories again and again.

I haven't thought about my new year's resolutions but there's something I have decided about my future: I will not live in UK beyond my PhD, even if I have to go back to Portugal and clean toilets!

Until then, I'll do my best in science, friendship, love and health!

I'm not perfect but I am a perfectionist. Know yourself, accept yourself and you'll find the happiness you're looking for :)

... and remember, there are priorities, and the most important of all is to be and make others HAPPY!

Happy new year!!!