I am now fully installed in the "wet" lab and running!:)
What an adventure... yet another:) to start up a lab, making various constructs that'll take months.. and then finally run the hypothesis-driven experiments! "What a feeling...!" lol Yeah, it's tough... I have to conjugate (this word has totally different meaning for me now) both theoretical work (lots of in silico simulations to do) and out-of-control lab work and... supervision of a student. Nonetheless, it's worth and would do it all again.
It's going to be a very long year... but hopefully productive, fun, exciting and challenging as always ;)
Work, work, work... there's more life beyond the rediscovery of pipetting and growing fluorescent bacteria!... but right now, my eppendorf tubes are taking over... There's so much to be done... before I can go back... home!...
And home... in this precise moment is bed! I need a good night of sleep!
Bye bye*