9 Aug 2012


Five years ago I joined the PhD program in Computational Biology (PDBC) hosted by the Gulbenkian Institute for Science for what turned out to be the longest and more challenging professional project so far.
I want to start by thanking the PDBC direction and in particular Jorge Carneiro for believing in my abilities and giving me the opportunity to pursuit a PhD project in a field of my choice. I also thank you Manuela Cordeiro for being always available to help sorting out any bureaucratic details. 
I would also like to acknowledge the financial support I received from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Siemens SA Portugal and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, which sponsored my enrolment in PDBC, financed my PhD project and allowed my participation in national and international conferences.
I thank you my main supervisor, Dr Jan-Ulrich Kreft for welcoming me in his group, for his guidance and teaching (and perseverance), for the exhausting and living discussions, for his negative and positive feedback, all of which contributed to build up my critical spirit.  I would also like to thank you Professor Chris Thomas, my co-supervisor, for taking time in sharing his vast and detailed knowledge on plasmid biology and advice on experimental design, for listening and discussing my project ideas. 
Most of my time at the University of Birmingham was spent in the Centre for Systems Biology surrounded by open-minded and creative people with whom I have shared many healthy laughs but also deep scientific discussions.  In particular, I would like to thank you my fellow PhD students Dorota, Bhima, Chinmay, Olga, Rafik, Ralf and Rob and our past post-doc Susanne for their sincere friendship and support.  I also want to thank you Claudia, Francis, Hansong, Pedro, Roshini and Sudha for their friendship and for fulfilling my free time with high quality humour and organizing outstanding social and musical events!
Many thanks must also go to all the members of the T101 Lab in the School of Biosciences, which welcomed me in their lab meetings, helped me finding space to set up my lab bench and introduced me to all the central services routines.  I also thank you the members of Professor Chris Thomas' group for the help with the strain and plasmid collections.
I would also like to thank you my past students, namely Hayley Gibbins and Zuha Khan, for the fulfilling experience of teaching basic plasmid biology and microbiology techniques and witnessing their evolution towards autonomous undergraduate researchers.
I also want to thank you my fellow colleagues from the PDBC 2007 edition, namely Afonso, Assunção, Bruno, Hugo F., Hugo M., Paula, Ricardo, Rodrigo, Susana and Zé, for making the first year of PDBC such a lively time and for their companionship throughout the tough project assignments.
I heartily thank you my parents and grandparents for their life lessons, for their relentless support and unconditional love, for their encouragement to pursuit my dreams wherever they might take me, and for taking care of my financial needs during the writing up period of my PhD thesis.
Finally, I want to thank you my beloved boyfriend, Nuno, for his relentless support to all my endeavours, for listening, for seeing the best in me and above all for loving me with no reservations.  Thank you for taking the risk of coming to UK to work and live with me, for making it a memorable year and lighting up my soul in my weakest moments. 


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