27 May 2009

Good Vibes

Nothing like a good night of sleep and a productive meeting to put you back on track again! :)

Today I've learned there's nothing wrong in recognizing our weaknesses. We should talk more often about them. The moment is now :)

I wish I could put into words (English words!!) all the thoughts that cross my mind in each moment... but I don't seem to be able to do it... yet!
Meanwhile... I'll listen to radio, watch TV, read comics (any particular advise?) and I'll make the effort to write more often in the blog :)

Speaking of good vibes... Northern Ireland coast! What beautiful views! Forget the cities, they're only good to eat and sleep! But the country side is amazing... peaceful, serene, fresh, breathtaking...
And I got the chance to drive on the right side!! hihi and some guys were quite scared... lol Anyway, it's not that difficult and I surely miss having a car and hit the road without having a destination! Any bargain that you're aware of ? :D

For now I would be happy to have a bike.. which I intend to buy sometime soon... :)

And that's it for today...! :)
Relax and enjoy your life trip... close your eyes and breath in... breath out... beautiful!

26 May 2009


Do we ever get to be completely happy? "you only get to have moments of happiness" bah!

Everything is so fake, so much pretending everything is so cool and so good, it isn't!
I know I probably have everything to be happy! I'm doing a PhD in the area I chose, I have friends who care about me, I can travel anywhere I want to, I have a great loving relationship, I have a family who loves me very much and that will always welcome me home, I have nice cloths and I feel good about myself... so then what's wrong?
The country is wrong... the damn weather, the damn food, the damn people, the damn Island!!! The lack of identity...

Estou farta desta língua inglesa, pobre, simplificada ao ponto de ser ridícula e ainda assim não a domino...

Eu sei que fui eu que escolhi, não tenho problemas em assumir as minhas escolhas.. mas tenho dificuldade em lidar com elas devido às oscilações diárias no meu humor...
Só queria que estivesses aqui comigo... :) A diferença que uma pessoa pode fazer nas nossas vidas é imensurável, assustadora e desesperante...
Considero-me bastante independente e sei que amanhã quando acordar não restará nem uma gota desta nostalgia.
Estou aqui para me pôr à prova mais uma vez, porque todas as outras vezes não foram suficientes para satisfazer o meu ego. Porque quero sentir, sofrer, viver, recordar, chorar...
Acredito que é uma necessidade absolutamente humana sentir dor. A dor é fonte de vida, é a fonte da realidade física que nos mantém na corda bamba...
Quero ser menos responsável, menos organizada, menos preocupada... Quero ser egoísta! Talvez já o seja até... este falso egoísmo de querer agradar os outros nas acções, nos prazos, nos resultados...


4 May 2009

Rainy Day

Another rainy Monday...
I don't have much to complain about... except I wish you were here with me... :)

Many things happened since the Herpes incident :D
I'll try to summarize my feelings during the last month... I don't think reporting facts is that interesting... though we need them to put our life in a comprehensible context... :)

The 4 days at the SGM meeting in Harrogate made me realize how independent thinking and self-confidence is important to convince others about your ideas...
I experienced opposite emotions... I was persuaded to believe there's no hope left to fight bacteria, eventually they'll win this battle. They can count with the negligent behavior of pharmaceutical companies who intentionally deliver antibiotics 1000x times more concentrated into rivers and fields as if there was no tomorrow! (as it soon won't be...). It makes me sick, ashamed of my profession...
Having the courage to step forward and talk with key speakers in my area was one of the my major breakthroughs, and the fact they've actually listened to what I had to say and even reply reassured me that I'm not yet crazy... :D
Overall it was a very good experience that I'm looking forward to repeat! :)

10 days in Portugal, everyday raining, but to tell you the truth I didn't even notice that, since everything else was so MUCH BETTER than in the Island...! :) The more I get to know UK, the more I fall in Love with Portugal... Sweet hummm:)

Is it the place or the people that make up your happiness? you'd say both? I don't know...

I need the Sun shinning on my window, the heat boiling my skin, the sweat sliding throughout my body, the salty water refreshing my mind and body... I need to laugh about simple things... not to constantly feel guilty about all the misfortune around the world...
Still, what's life if you don't have anyone to share it with?
That's why I thank you destiny for putting all of you on my path and specially those living in Birmingham for making my time here so enjoyable :)